Tuesday 12 May 2015

Some problems need to be thought with new angle.....

High Corruption and Poor Service of Police/Govt Setvants....

In India Public Servant ratio is very low. When British rule established they tried to run administration in autocratic fashion without any respect to citizens. You can take care 100 of sheep with only one boy by using Chabuk but for 100 human you have to deploy more person. But they never bothered. They just wanted to make money. In English era definitely India had greater population than England but the number of servant deployed in India was not at all at par with England. After Independence no Govt has bothered to rethink the pattern. As per estimate we have 138 police personnel per 1 Lakh person. Now in India Police is most burdened with various social and non-social responsibility. How can we expect that these 138 police can solve problems of 1 Lakh person. In America it is 430. Pls note with high literacy some functions of police are automatically controlled by citizens themselves. But unfortunately we are lagging in literacy also.

I only mentioned Police as sample. Similar scenario in all public servants. Can we not expect that at least some committee/ research will be carried out as sample basis to see the effect of high public servant ratio.

There is no point in criticizing Govt servant for lethargy/corruption. As per rule of Economics, If Supply is restricted but demand is high price of commodity is bound to increase. In this case price is given by us. Sometimes as bribe, sometime "Parsu Aiye", Sometime "Rude Behavior" . But they are entirely not responsible.

Foot Paths are covered by Hawker at Metros...

We throw lecture about Hawker encroachment of Foot Paths. I am not in support of it.  But have you ever bothered how many person come to Metro for working purpose. If those persons all can be served by legally owned shops then nobody would have cared to buy from Hawkers. And if they see no business they will stop sitting on footpath.

At metro population density is very high. Sufficient space is not available for opening number of shops to cater huge people. So in very compact way Hawkers are doing business. And we are their customer. If we really need to go freely with Foot Path without Hawker then simply we need to stop buying things from them. Think if you can manage.

As a more simple example think of Airports and think of any rail station of metro. Airports are in India but at par with any airport of world. It is because no of commuters of Airport can be well served in space provided for Airport. But space provided for Rail Station is much less if you think number of commuter through rail station. Can all of them can be served by legally opened shop. Entire platform will not be sufficient.

When you need to solve problems of India you have to be very careful. No developed country (with low population density) can be our benchmark. Whole Europe is little for us. We have to decide our own standard.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Growth of Economy - Real Development

Every day we hear about growth, development and feel proud about our economy. I am a lay person and will try to take a very simple view...

Economic development is initiated by optimum use of available resources and distribution of the fruit among people.

One of the resource is human resource and most important of them. A country with huge natural resource can not develop if it's human resource is not capable to utilize. Most of African/Asian countries are example of that. On the other side Japan is best example of what learned human resource can do.

In India after independence improvement of economy was tried by industrial development and had almost steady rate of growth. But post liberalization we see BOOM. Now what is the reason ? Did we now using our natural resources in better way , Or our human resource are more capable now ?

Govt has done a great job by opening our economy. But that is it. No other major effort is given.

After liberalization our large work force has got scope of work. Before that we had no option even if we wished more.

Now a lay person will think development is there if his neighbour and he is earning more and spending more. And we are all seeing that now costly gazette/ fashionable dresses/Shoppping are very accessible to all. So we are thinking that our INDIA is greatly developing.

10 years before few boy under 30 could purchase flat/car on his own, now it is very normal. Shall we think that boys of present age is more capable than his 10 or 20 years seniors at their youth.

No. A big NO. Now we are working more. In all sense it is more.

First our working starting from very early and ending is very late. Second we are joining job at very early age. And never retiring even above 70.

I see very young boys with costly shirt/trouser/Tab at late night trains. Every sign of extreme fatigue is marked on their face. Now you can call it development.Even if it is then how Govt is factor for this. Why they take credit for this.

In no statistics it is considered how far we are stretching our working hour. If it considered with other developed countries the balloon may collapse.

The development is majorly in outsourcing sector where we get jobs as our labour is cheaper than First world countries.And in outsourcing sector the working hours is most inhuman. The all buzz and hullabulla of development is for those people who work in those sector in very compromising way.

It is ironic that some Prime Minister/Chief Minister/Corporate poses with chikna face and throws dialogs of development for which they are least responsible.